Harriet Young Wilks Tombstone -wife of Benjamin Carroll

Media file
Title: Harriet Young Wilks Tombstone -wife of Benjamin Carroll
Media type: Tombstone
Format: jpeg
Harriet Young Wilks Tombstone -wife of Benjamin Carroll
Highlighted image
Source citation
Citation details: Digital photo taken 19 OCT 2005
Quality of data: primary evidence
Unique identifier
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
182 13 113 69 Saturday, April 14, 2012 4:44 AM
Given names Surname Age Given names Surname Age Marriage Place Last change
Title Event data? Abbreviation Author Publication Individuals Families Media objects Shared notes Last change
Title Individuals Families Media objects Sources Last change
Dale Taylor Wilks (1914–1992) Francis Wilks (1759–1840) William Wesley Wilks (1884–1946) Sarah Frances Newman (1861–1938) Eva E Corner (1875–1898) Los Charlie Ross + Reta Vird Wilks Lillie Wilks (1876–1877) William Nelson Hitt (1857–1915) Mary D. … (1836–1900) Alonzo David McLean (1881–1973) Stephanus Busby (1812–1875) Francis Jacques Corner (1821–1870) Edmund S. Goen (1861–1921) Asa Willie Howell III (1944–1982) William Giles Herring (1830–1911) Alney Davidson McLean (1853–1854) Rita Merle Stroud (1930–1960) Robert Rogers McLean (1882–1952) William Wesley Wilks + Erie Catharine Taylor Tarlton Jones Taylor (1828–1867) James Monroe Pierce (1860–1926) Ferdinando San Francisco Taylor (1851–1936) Marl Vane Wilks (1909–1980) Philip Zumwalt (1781–1835) Narcissus Jane Craig (1847–1934) Los Charlie Ross (1907–1977) Thomas Taft Newman (1908–1996) Earnest Lee McLean (1907–1979) Linson Spinks Weaver (1887–1942) Emma Walter (1875–1956) Joe Mitchell Phillips (1860–1941) Johna Newton Taylor (1871–1945) Arrena Goen Taylor (1869–1930) James McGrady McLean Sr (1890–1968) Arthur Amos Perry (1894–1981) Lenora Jane Barron (1921–) Cordie Exie Meek (1905–2001) Steven Jay Corner (1965–2010) Bird Smith Creasy (1814–1860) 1860 Census Collection for Owen County, Kentucky, USA Thomas Jefferson Hitt (1830–1891) Ann Elizabeth Kanatzar (1863–1921) Alisonia McLean (1851–1853) Cornwell Funeral Homes Obituary - David Dale Wilks